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Introduction Installation Dark Mode CLIComponents
Accordion Alert Button Card Picker Checkbox Dialog Drawer Field Input Link Radio Scroll Area Select Switch TextareaDocs
Quickly startup your components.
The lomer-ui command-line interface (CLI) is a toolkit designed to make copy-pasting components effortless and straightforward.
Automatically detects and installs Tailwind CSS using the SvelteKit CLI if it's not already set up.
Automatically detects and installs Tailwind Merge using npm if required.
The simplest way to run lomer-ui is using npx:
npx lomer-ui <command> <args>
lomer-ui add
To quickly select and add multiple components, use:
npx lomer-ui add
To add a specific component, use:
npx lomer-ui add [component]
lomer-ui reset
To reset all existing components, use:
npx lomer-ui reset
This action will replace all existing components in ./src/lib/components/ui
You might wonder, "What about the changes I’ve made?"
This project isn’t intended for you to use the components exactly as they are.
Instead, it helps you kickstart building your own custom components.